Hello! I'm Sinny. Curious and a little silly, I love beautiful things and fluffy critters.I like to post about what I love and find inspiring on here.
Nazia of This Paper Girl Blogs very kindly featured a Q&A with me on her blog. Here's a short extract:
...tell me a little bit about yourself!I was born in Hong Kong, moved to London when I was 8 and have lived here since. I made a big change of career choice about 3 years ago, left a job which was making me really unhappy (a rather long winded story which I may share at some later point) and started the shop. I have too many interests and hobbies for my own good - art, music, theatre, dance, reading, drawing, learning languages, crafts, cooking... it's hard for me to get bored!
Is there a story behind the name of your shop?When I was brainstorming names for the shop, I wanted to convey something happy, something to do with sunshine, because everyone's in a better mood when there's sunshine. For me personally there have been many happy summer afternoons spent on picnics in the park, riverside walks, sitting in cafes...I like sunny afternoons!
Head there to read the full post where I answer more questions about me and why I started my handmade store =D