Friday 28 October 2011

The world's smallest letter

How can you not squeal in delight at the World's Smallest Postal Service's tiny letters? Lea Redmond used to take her mobile post desk around with her and transcribe letters by hand into insey winsey miniature form.

I love, love, love the attention to detail. The envelope has a tiny address (and return address!), special mini stamps, mini WSPS post mark and is closed with a teeny initialed wax seal, then packaged with a magnifying glass to be sent in a normal sized parcel.

Lea now runs a business sending tiny letters, cards and mini parcels everywhere from her website. You can even buy your own mini letter kit!

I am unashamedly a big fan of snail mail and a super geek of all things miniature so I'm probably biased on two fronts, but an email or text just can't beat the amount of time that goes into something like a tiny letter and the excitement of receiving something like it.